1.With a median hourly wage of $15. 51, being a high-flying roofer is still near the bottom of the barrel.
2.To do this, we weight the hourly wage for each grade by its proportion of the total labor required to produce the product.
3.If I were being paid an hourly wage. with the standard time - and - a -half for overtime, I'd be earning much more.
4.When you work for someone else, there is only you and only so many hours in the day to work for an hourly wage or a salary.
5.Take out a blank sheet of paper, the "time budget" you prepared yesterday, and the approximate hourly wage you calculated earlier.
6.Median hourly wage varied substantially across employees with different levels of educational attainment.
7.Many hostess clubs try to lure single mothers by offering a comparatively high hourly wage, housing and day care.
8.In "Empire nanny" company, so that people only work four hours every afternoon, the hourly wage of up to 50 pounds (about $ 500).
9.That figure compares the hourly wage of full-time workers with similar qualifications and experience.
10.Now, in the third column, pide each second column number by the true hourly wage that you calculated earlier.